
CHRISTINE HURLEY - Calgary Medium / Psychic/ Clairvoyant

A Natural Born Empath with 35 years of Experience- Family-Relationships-Careers-Travel, Life's Choices



Sun 2020-06-21 9:52 AM
  •  You
Hi Christine, 
I just wanted to thank you for the reading you gave me yesterday. Oddly enough, right after everything ended, I felt really drained or exceptionally tired. So tired that I had to stop and take a quick nap. After I woke up, I started to think about the reading and looked over the notes that I made during it. What didn't seem to make sense at first or wasn't clear to me started to come together after thinking about the people in my life and you really hit on a lot of things. Even the ex that you mentioned, that was someone whom I wasn't thinking of at first, but I was with someone for several years who was penniless and treated women poorly. As for talking to a child when it came to arguments? Yeah, he would call me names and make everything my fault. I was really a mother to this person. This was the same misogynistic guy who stole money from me to support his drug habits and couldn't keep a job to save his life. To this date I believe he is not working and is living in the basement of his girlfriend's house. I was always angry at him but this was also the greatest lesson for myself. I took this to be a challenge to push myself to be independent, a stronger fighter and not let anyone put their shoes on my back ever again. 
You had touched on the 2 topics that I was most curious about and that really floored me. It confirmed what I had been thinking since last year that I needed to look after myself financially, find my own footing so to speak, before finding love. Even if you told me that I would never be with anyone I would have only wanted to hear what you said which was " things will get better" . This would at least give me hope that after all of this darkness I would truly find light. And I really thank you for that, Christine. You are an amazing person!




Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2018 13:42:38 -0800
Subject: My reading

Hi Christine
   I want to thank-you for my reading today.  You did a reading for me
8 years ago.  I was living in Lethbridge.  You told me I needed to be in Calgary
and I will be moving, you also told me I would have a new relationship, and that
I would have my own business, and that myself and my husband would beneifit if
we would work a 4 day work week, and that if I did not reduce the stress in my life
I would become very ill.  I wanted to let you know that I did not listen, I did not
believe what I was hearing, but I should have.  Because it is 8 years later and I
did leave my husband of 25 years, I moved to Calgary and have my own business,
and both myself and my new husband work a 4 day work week, but I am very ill.
You see after that reading 8 years ago I put the cassette tape away and never gave
it another thought.  Just this month (Feb 2013), I came across that tape and listened,
really listened, and could not believe what I was hearing.  Everything that I was hearing
had come true, I only wished I would have listened back then maybe I would not
be so ill.  But now I am ready to listen, and I will take your advice, I will not let this
illness take me.  Thank-you again Christine, I feel I have a second chance to make
things right, and heal my body.




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